The J2EE Spec2000 Application
J2Spec-X is a 24 x 7 Spec2000 compliant software messaging application which enables your company to trade with other companies in the Aerospace market sector. It also provides a method for secure EDI and XML file transfer between you and your trading partners. It is simple to implement and easy to use.
J2Spec-X will transfer messages using secure internet standard transfer protocols (EDIINT AS1, AS2, and AS3) directly to your trading partner via mail, http or ftp. Additionally J2Spec-X may be configured to work with a secure mail server from a traditional managed network (e.g. ARINC, SITA). In this configuration outgoing messages are transmitted from J2Spec-X to the secure server and onward to your trading partners. Incoming messages are received by J2Spec-X, either directly from your trading partner or via the secure server, and transferred in real-time, validated, and interfaced to your host application via interface database tables or interface files.
All AS1, AS2, and AS3 messages sent and received may be certified (using X.509 certificates) and encrypted.
- Message Retention
- Conversion between EDI and XML SPEC2000 standards
- Inbound Message Parsing
- Inbound Message Validation
- Message Acknowledgement and Rejection
- Trader-specific Parsing and Validation
- Outbound Message Validation & Creation